What looks to be fun and games can turn out to be a major threat

Nov 22, 2011 19:51 GMT  ·  By

What seems to be a fun game that spreads on social media websites can later turn out to be a malicious scheme launched by cybercriminals to cleverly obtain the information needed to access our online accounts.

GFI researchers came across a game that encourages users to find out their stripper names by replying with their pet's name and their street's name.

“YOU ARE NOW A STRIPPER. Your first name is your pet's name and your last name is the name of the street you live on. Reblog with your new name,” says the message.

While it may look like something fun, information like a pet's name and the name of a street often represent the answers to the security questions that protect accounts. This is why it's very important to make sure we're careful on what data we hand out, since even if it pretends to be a game, it can always hide a malicious plot.