The update also extends the game's trial for more content

May 31, 2015 00:02 GMT  ·  By

Would you play a Tie Fighter game on your Windows Phone handset? Of course you would. If that's your opinion, then you might have already heard about Strike Wing: Raptor Rising single-player space-combat simulator game that's been available on Windows Phone for quite some time.

According to developers, Strike Wing: Raptor Rising combines sharp controls, beautiful visuals and adaptable missions, in order to create a unique space combat experience for mobile devices.

The game features a wide array of ships, from super-fast and nimble fighters to heavy torpedo bombers. Each of these ships have their own strengths and weaknesses, so players can choose the ones that fit their style of play best.

It's also worth mentioning that all missions adapt to your style of play, skill and ship choice, so you will be given a challenge every time your play a certain mission.

In order to gain access to more ships, you will have to progress through the levels. Also, if you want a real challenge, then you can try out each mission on harder difficulties, but you will also receive better rewards.

More missions, better rewards

The latest update for Strike Wing: Raptor Rising brings a whole new episode. Episode II contains 5 more story missions, which will allow players to uncover what happened after the Sirius incident from a whole new perspective.

In addition, the update brings over 20 new challenges to complete in challenge mode that give even more rewards. The free trial of the game has been extended so you can try out more before you buy.

If you have already purchased the game, then you should know that the new content is available free of charge for you.

You can now download Strike Wing: Raptor Rising for Windows Phone for $2.99 via Windows Phone Store. The game should be fully compatible with all devices powered by Windows Phone 8 and up.

Strike Wing: Raptor Rising for Windows Phone (6 Images)

Strike Wing: Raptor Rising for Windows Phone
Strike Wing: Raptor Rising for Windows PhoneStrike Wing: Raptor Rising for Windows Phone