The fighting game will be tweaked to please professional players

Jan 27, 2012 10:01 GMT  ·  By

Capcom has confirmed that it will deploy a special update for Street Fighter X Tekken after the game’s release, designed to please the tournament crowd who’s going to play it during official competitions.

Street Fighter X Tekken, besides seeing the two fighting game franchises clash for the first time, adds quite a few major changes to the traditional recipe, including a Gem system that’s been debated by the community for quite some time.

For those not aware, the game will have 57 gems in its regular edition, while others are pre-order exclusives. Players will have to choose three gems to attach to their characters, some that are always active and improve certain attributes all the time, while others can be turned on and work for a limited time.

As you can imagine, such a system caused quite a stir among professional fighting game players. In order to calm them down, Street Fighter X Tekken producer Yoshinori Ono told Eurogamer that a patch will be deployed after the game’s launch.

"We know a lot of players are worried that with the gem system tournaments will be harder to run," Ono said. "We know they take a lot of time. A lot of players were saying, 'I have to do button checks. Do I have to do a gem check now before a match?' With regards to that we plan to release a free post-launch tournament support mode. Hopefully it will alleviate a lot of the concerns the community has.”

Once the patch is released, Ono said that feedback would be gathered from the community and other updates would follow that tweak to please pro gamers.

Regular players shouldn’t expect Capcom to start selling more powerful gems, according to Ono, as that goes against what Capcom wants from the actual gem system.

"In terms of DLC gems, we don't have any set plans on selling gems like this or like that," Ono said. "They're not power-up items. That's not how we see them. We put gems into the game which are default. As long as you have these default ones you'll be fine. If you want to get more gems down the road from the pre-order bonuses, you can definitely do that, but it doesn't make you stronger, it doesn't make you a better player, it doesn't mean you'll have an advantage.”