What's in a costume?

Feb 11, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By

Street Fighter IV is surely going to be a revolution in fighting games. Capcom has also showed that players love Street Fighter, with sales of Turbo HD Remix, which was only launched on the PlayStation Network and on the Xbox Live, setting records for downloadable releases. Street Fighter IV will allow players to see how the franchise can evolve while also maintaining its roots.

Capcom is set to revolutionize downloadable content with the upcoming release, as the company has announced several DLC packs which should modify the appearance of the characters in the brawler, without making any change to the underlying mechanics of the fighting game.

Street Fighter IV will arrive on both the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony on February 17 and, on the same date, the DLC will start appearing. The packs from Capcom will arrive once a week and each of the packs will cost 320 Microsoft Points, the equivalent of 3.99 dollars. If you plan to pick up all the DLC in one purchase, then you'll only pay 20 dollars. The first characters to get new appearances are Zangeif, E. Honda, Rufus, El Furete and Abel in the Brawler Pack, while Chun-Li, Cammy, Sakura, Rose and C. Viper are set to follow as part of the Femme Fatale Pack.

Capcom also plans to offer free DLC for Street Fighter IV. It's called Championship Mode Expansion Pack and will allow players to access a Replay mode that can be used to record fights and then re-distribute them online. The pack will contain a tournament matching system that is set to let players find opponents of the same quality and two new point systems for skill ranking. No date is yet available for the Championship Mode Expansion Pack.