108 wins unbeaten

Feb 25, 2009 19:51 GMT  ·  By

Street Fighter IV has barely been released and it's already breaking records. Guinness World Records is saying that Zak Bennett, who is said to be the best player of the fighting game in United Kingdom, has registered a new record for the Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition. He has registered 108 wins unbeaten and his record will be listed in the newest edition of the book.

There were two record attempts undertaken by Zak Bennett in London last Friday. On his first try, the player only managed to reach 28 wins in Street Fighter IV, as he was beaten by challenger Hatim Habashi. But on the second try, the number of 108 wins was reached.

Craig Glenday, who is the Editor-in-Chief of Guinness World Records, commented that “We congratulate Zak on his extraordinary achievement and welcome him into the Guinness World Records family. It’s always great to see gamers showcase their talent while making a mark in the record books.”

Street Fighter IV is seen as the true sequel to Street Fighter II and Capcom has really pushed the title as marking a revival of the fighting game franchise. Most players and reviewers have positive opinions regarding the game, which can be played on arcade machines, on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Very quickly, it managed to sell more than 2 million units.

The Gamer's Edition of the Guinness World Records book is published yearly and aims to present all the impressive gaming feats that take place over the course of 12 months. Getting listed is one of the biggest honors for a hardcore gamer and the Guinness publisher insisted on using the word “athlete” when referring to gamers, which seems odd but appropriate for record holders.