Maxell' s new headphones

Jan 13, 2009 15:51 GMT  ·  By

If you're not that easily influenced by people's insistent looks and their overall confused faces as they walk past you, then you should definitely try Maxell's latest in headphones: the M&M-themed ear buds, which look absolutely killer. If sticking two M&Ms in your ears has been silly and even dangerous until now, you can rest assured that from this day on things will change: you can enjoy your private listening habits, while at the same time having fun and being quite unique.

The Maxell M&M headphones bring no groundbreaking technology about them. If you are looking for such tech features, you should consider other manufacturers.

These headphones are all about fun, and will surely bring about a lot of smiling. Moreover, if you're a fashion-aware individual, you can choose between red, pink, blue, orange, and white headphones to match with your clothes. Nevertheless, the style remains unchanged if you go for the M&Ms in your ears, no matter how you would dress.

Nobody knows how good the M&M headphones really are, and we're anxious to see some reports from people who have tried them. It would be a real pity if such fancy in-ear headphones sounded crappy, in complete disharmony with their funny architecture. One more thing should be mentioned for the future customers of the Maxell M&M headphones: if you have children, you should definitely keep these headphones out of their reach, as the small parts are easy to swallow and could even cause injuries if chewed on.

If you're searching for some headphones for your kids (though you should be careful about their hearing), you can go for other Maxell products, such as the Kids Safe Ear Clips, with limited volume level and bright, colorful finishes. Furthermore, you can even enjoy your sporty life using the new Maxell Action Sports headphones, launched simultaneously with the M&Ms. The sports-oriented headset retails for prices as high as $25, while the Kids set is just under $13, and the funny M&M in-ear one can be yours for a ridiculous $9.99.

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