With a sense of deja vu

Jul 29, 2010 23:11 GMT  ·  By

Take a look back at the first Starcraft. There are corrupt Terran officials experimenting with Zerg bio weapons and at the same time exploiting the fringe worlds while a rebel movements called the Sons of Korhal aims to overthrow the government. The beginning of the game shows a massive Zerg invasion taking place while the remnants of the frontier of humanity scramble to escape and even fight back while being abandoned by the central authorities. Then it gets weird, with the Protoss beginning to glass entire planets and the Zerg proving to be more than initially thought.

The beginning of Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty involves Jim Raynor, always the rebel, fighting a guerrilla engagement against the Dominion that is controlled by Arcturus Mengsk. The Zerg, after the events of Broodwar, slid back into space and have not been seen except for some isolated nests. Then a massive invasion happens, the central government gets off the frontier world and its up to a rag tag local group of fighters to save the Terrans and maybe fight back against the Zerg. Sound similar doesn't it? Even the basic lay out of the missions is pretty similar, with the player needing to do a bit of defense, a time evacuation and an escort mission before the task of getting a huge number of minerals is thrown at him in a similar way to the Kel Morian Combine missions from the original.

Blizzard tried to so something different, with lava coming into play while trying to gather the 8,000 minerals but it's not actually a gameplay improvement or an innovation but a nuisance that makes a long mission even longer than it should be, dragging on the tedium even if the challenge of actually battling the Zerg is all but gone. Maybe Blizzard is secretly hoping that the ten years have washed away the memories of the first Starcraft but up until now most players are probably experiencing deja vu.