The whale warmed up an entire generation thanks to the lyrics it inspired

Aug 9, 2012 13:52 GMT  ·  By

We regret to inform you that Kavna, the beluga whale which stood as inspiration for Raffi Cavoukian's popular children’s song “Baby Beluga,” recently passed away at the Vancouver Aquarium.

Apparently, throughout the last years of its life, the whale suffered from cancer, a condition which is quite likely to have caused its death. Although Kavna spent all of its 46 years in captivity, it did lead a rather enjoyable life.

Remembering the first time he met Kavna and how he was inspired to create the “Baby Beluga” song, Raffi told the press that, “The folks at the aquarium brought me to poolside and the trainer helped me to play with Kavna. Kavna even came out of the water and placed a gentle, graceful kiss on my cheek and I couldn’t stop talking about it for a couple of weeks!”

Those of you a bit more nostalgic can recollect what the song was all about by watching the video below.