Developer DICE is trying really hard to make the upcoming science-fiction shooter different from Battlefield

May 11, 2015 08:18 GMT  ·  By

DICE is currently working on the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront, a pretty exciting reboot of LucasArts' shooter series.

After a ten-year hiatus, many gamers are worried that Battlefront will be just a Battlefield re-skin, a quick money grab, instead of the lavish experience they would rather have.

Publisher EA is trying to put all those worries at bay, and a recent interview with Design Director Niklaus Fegraeus, published in the latest issue of OXM, aims to clear some of the misgivings about Battlefront.

Apparently, players will be free to pick whatever equipment they want, instead of being restricted to certain pre-determined loadouts, as GamesRadar reports. This means that Battlefront won't have classes, which is one of the core pillars of Battlefield.

Furthermore, gaining access to new equipment will still be gated by the number of experience points amassed over time, but you'll be able to share what you unlocked with your partner, which means that you can essentially double the pool of available resources if you play with a friend, and that a veteran can allow a newbie to try out different high-level weapons.

Star Wars games have always been exciting

This is another significant change, as according to Fegraeus, Battlefront won't have Squads of five players anymore, instead relying on the Partner system, where you only have one friend to track via your in-game heads-up display.

This, together with the recently revealed lack of ironsights when aiming, marks yet another step Battlefront is taking to stand out from the Battlefield franchise.

In any case, we're bound to learn more about the game in the coming months, and see it in action at this year's edition of the E3 convention, taking place between June 14 and June 16.

Star Wars Battlefront is currently scheduled for launch this November, heading to the Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One platforms.