The new mode offers coop on the PS4 and Xbox One

Jun 16, 2015 10:31 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer DICE and publisher Electronic Arts are announcing that they are planning to introduce an entirely new take on gameplay for Star Wars Battlefront, with the Survival mode that has been revealed during E3 2015.

Gamers will be tasked with staying alive as more powerful waves of Imperial soldiers attack their positions, with a total of 15 coming over them while adding powerful units like Stormtroopers and AT-STs.

During the E3 2015 press event, DICE shows gamers how the new mode can look when played on the Tatooine levels and how players will need to carefully adapt their tactics in order to get to the end of the Survival missions.

The development team adds, "Learn to recognize and adapt to the different kinds of enemies. Dodge the long-distance fire of the Scouttroopers and keep your eyes open to spot incoming TIE Fighters and the optical camouflage-wearing Shadowtroopers. Lose the lives you start out with and you’re out."

Special drop pods with power-ups and more lives will be delivered on the maps in order to give the Rebels more chances to get to the end of the experience.

Cooperative moments will be at the core of Star Wars Battlefront

The Survival mode is designed to appeal to those who want a couch cooperative experience in the shooter, and local split screen is offered to those who play on the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4.

On the PC, gamers will have to find partners for the newly revealed mode online.

DICE is offering a variety of difficulty levels to make sure that all the Star Wars Battlefront community can play Survival when they are looking for a less intense experience than the classic team-based versus modes.

During E3 2015, the development team is also showing how the Walker Assault experience will work on Hoth, with a surprise appearance from both Darth Vader from the Empire and Luke Skywalker from the Rebels.

Star Wars Battlefront will be launched on November 17 of this year.

Gamers who pre-order will be able to get a new downloadable content called Battle of Jakku on December 1, while the rest of the community will receive it for free one week later.