30-minute screening gets fans excited, in a very spoiler-ish mood

Mar 9, 2013 11:03 GMT  ·  By

“Star Trek Into Darkness” is scheduled for theatrical release for May 17 but early buzz is already saying that it will be the biggest, most epic and awesome release of the year. Talk about hype.

30 minutes of the film screened in London last night and, as Slash Film notes, reaction to the early, incomplete cut which is lifted from the first hour of the film, has been nothing short of amazing.

The Guardian is the only media outlet to show some skepticism, talking about some major plot holes painfully visible in the preview, but most reviews are solid. Many are also spoiler-packed so, word of advice, be careful what you click online if spoilers are not your thing.

The bottom line is that “Star Trek Into Darkness” will rock and, most likely, blow the original out of the water, both in terms of scale, atmosphere, plot and special effects, and acting.

Then again, fans aren’t expecting any less.