Jan 4, 2011 22:41 GMT  ·  By

Publisher Square Enix has filed a trademark for the name Final Fantasy Type-0 with OHIM, the official European Union body that handles trademarks, suggesting that the company is preparing yet another game in the very popular series that has not been mentioned before.

The trademark includes a logo for Final Fantasy Type-0, which can be seen in the image attached to this article.

It is unusual for Square Enix to include actual logo images with its trademarks, which might mean that the new project is pretty advanced and the company is registering the trademark and the image in order to have it protected as it prepares to deliver an official announcement about the new game.

The Type-0 concept has been linked to the monster Bahamut in Final Fantasy VII, one of the most loved installment of the series, which might mean that the company is preparing a spin off that is somehow focused on the monster or that it is preparing the modern remake that many fans of the series have been asking for in the last few years.

Final Fantasy is the biggest series that Square Enix is developing and the company relies on it for much of its revenue and profit.

The latest single player based release is Final Fantasy XIII, which was released for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, coming to Japan in late 2009 and about three months later to Europe and North America.

The company has also launched the MMO Final Fantasy XIV during last year, but the game has been troubled from the start on the initial platform, the PC, and Square Enix has announced that the launch date for the PlayStation 3 launch date has been put back indefinitely as the development team works on the game.

Square Enix has acquired Western publisher Eidos and creating a more Western-style role-playing re-imagining of Final Fantasy could be a good move for the company.