Find out when/where your little angel smokes!

Nov 25, 2005 11:34 GMT  ·  By

NTT DoCoMo will launch next year a new service that will let parents monitor the location of their children using a cellphone. The new service is called Imadoco ("where are you" in Japanese) and will be launched at the same time with a handset for children that has features like a panic alarm for when the kids feel they are in danger.

Imadoco needs a 3G handheld for the child and a 2G or a 3G phone for the parents that can handle the i-Mode data service. For most of the 3G handsets, its position can be calculated using information from the network antenna, although GPS (Global Positioning System) would offer higher accuracy.

The devices for children cannot be deactivated, because the battery is fastened with a special screw. Only that maybe your child's middle name is McGuyver, in which case he would have no problem dismantling it. Even if the phone is closed, it can be programmed to turn on automatically and send infos on its position. When SA800i's alarm is activated, a 100 decibels buzz will intimidate the potential attackers.

For using this service, a monthly 2 USD fee is required, and also a few cents for every localization of your kid is to be paid. Although this subscription comes at a low price, one can easily imagine the bills of the possessive parents...