If you thought babies couldn’t endorse wearables, you were wrong

Aug 8, 2014 07:04 GMT  ·  By

Wearables, you have one, your kid has one, you dad owns one too to monitor his heart rate and you can even get one for your pet. Are we forgetting anyone in the family? What about babies? Are they too young to be tech endorsers?

The people behind the Sproutling believe that this is not the case and babies should be allowed to be part of the tech family cycle.

The product mentioned above is actually a baby monitor, but unlike traditional monitoring devices, it will not reside on a desk next to the baby’s cradle.

In this case, the child will be wearing the monitor which looks more like soft adjustable FitBit band. Because baby wrists are very small, the Sproutling will go around their ankles.

Sprountling works by monitoring your baby’s activity so you always know what your little one is up to and your mind can be at ease.

What’s particularly interesting about this gadget is the way it relays notifications. Unlike traditional monitors, you won’t be hearing the noises the baby makes, but you’ll be directly notified of his/her activities through the dedicated application.

Used in concert with the app, the band can tell you whether the baby is awake or at sleep, and it can even accurately predict their mood. For example, if the child awakes during the night, the app will send a notification to your phone saying “Awake and fussy.”

Most importantly, it will alert parents of any suspicious activity. For example, if the band detects an atypical roll over, a change in temperature or heart rate it will swiftly deliver a big red notification.

The monitor will be able to tell you whether there is enough noise in the baby’s environment to wake him or her.

The team developing the baby wearable is made up of people who have previously worked with Apple and Google. However, for the time being Spourtling is only compatible with iOS, but the Android version is in the making.

The Spourtling bundle is made up of three modules, the band which houses the sensor, the sensor to monitor all the baby’s vital functions, and a wireless charger (in case the little one removes it).

If you pre-order Sportling now, you’ll be able to get it for $249 / €186. But when the wearable will make it in retail, it will sell for a heftier $299 / €224. The device is not cheap at all, but it will certainly help parents put their minds at ease when they aren't around their baby.

Sproutling Will Monitor Your Baby (4 Images)

Sproutling is a wearable baby monitor
Sproutling is a wearable baby monitorSproutling is a wearable baby monitor