Big Red changed its mind on existing customers

Jul 3, 2009 13:46 GMT  ·  By

Another day, another report on the almost-here BlackBerry Tour 9630. While we already managed to cover all the already known carriers that will have the handset released on their airwaves this month, a series of tidbits of info regarding the availability of the Tour have recently emerged, and they involve two United States carriers, Sprint and Verizon.

As many of you might already know, both operators plan to release the new BlackBerry on their networks as soon as July 12, which is only as far as next weekend. The first in line, Sprint, will have its own approach on the release, it seems, as it won't have the phone available for pre-order, at least this is what a recent tweet shows.

It seems that Twitter user @srdoherty, none other than the manager of social media and interactive communications at Sprint, unveiled recently the fact that the carrier wouldn't allow for the Tour to be ordered in advance. That shouldn't be too big of a problem in the end, as the Tour is not expected to see the same traction on the market that other high-end devices offered by the operator did, yet it is still annoying.

The second piece of information we’ve learned today involves the pre-order status of the handset on Verizon, the other US carrier set to release the Tour on July 12. While the company was determined to not allow users who were upgrading their devices to pre-order the new phone, it seems that it changed its mind in the meantime, and all those interested in the 9630 will be able to place pre-orders for it.

“Existing customers will be able to upgrade or purchase the BlackBerry Tour on this site very soon. Please check back with us tomorrow,” is what Verizon said on its website yesterday. Today, the announcement has been pulled from the phone's page, which means that things are already in place. Those who plan on ordering a Tour in advance should know that they will receive their handsets starting Monday, July 13.