These birds of prey go hunting as a carefully organized team

Sep 15, 2012 10:45 GMT  ·  By

Most documentaries concerning wildlife and animal behavior teach us that birds of prey typically live and hunt alone.

Truth be told, they rarely need to stand together, as each and every one of them is quite capable of fending for itself.

Still, whenever harsh environmental conditions require it, such feathered creatures can adapt to their surroundings and hunt as a group, their goal being to catch sufficient prey so as to be able to look after their chicks.

As this video shows, Harris hawks are extraordinarily gifted when it comes to working together, and are noteworthy opponents even for jackrabbits, regardless of the fact that the latter can run with incredible speeds and are also extremely agile.

With several adults looking after them, the chicks born in these overheated regions really do stand a chance at survival.