Thanks to Orbital Systems, water consumption is also reduced by 90%

Jan 3, 2014 20:51 GMT  ·  By

Taking a very long and very hot shower after a hard day's work is pretty relaxing and satisfying, unless you're one of those people who keep worrying about how much damage their bath routine is causing to the environment.

Thanks to Swedish designer Mehrdad Mahdjoubi and his innovative shower, i.e. the OrbSys (or Orbital Systems, if you prefer), there is now a way for greenheads to also be able to enjoy the perks of taking a really long bath.

Tree Hugger tells us that the shower system pieced together by this designer recycles water, meaning that whatever goes down the drain is collected, cleaned to drinking standards and then dumped back on the head of the person busy cleaning themselves.

Mehrdad Mahdjoubi says that his shower is so efficient than it can cut water and energy consumption by as much as 90% and 80%, respectively.

Mother Nature will sure be grateful and, seeing how the drop in energy use will lead to yearly savings of up to $1,300 (nearly €950), odds are so will be your wallet.

Check out the video below to get a better idea of how Mehrdad Mahdjoubi's OrbSys works.