Step-by-step guides for the Spirit jailbreak start to emerge

May 3, 2010 09:51 GMT  ·  By

Spirit is a new jailbreak tool from the iPhone Dev Team’s MuscleNerd. It can hack the latest iPhones and iPod touches running firmware 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, as well as the recently released iPad, which runs a scaled-up version of the iPhone OS (version 3.2).

According to various posts on the web, jailbreaking with Spirit is as simple as pie. Whether you own an iPhone 3GS, a third-gen touch, or the new iPad, all you need to do is connect the device to your computer, get it to boot in restore mode, fire up Spirit and hit the “jailbreak” button. However, while the process sounds simple, this is a somewhat one-way ticket ride, so following the steps exactly as described is imperative.

For example, before the user attempts anything, they will need a device that has already been activated, meaning one that passed the Connect to iTunes or Emergency Call screens with flying colors. They will also need any version of iTunes 9 (including 9.1.1), while an iTunes sync is highly recommended. Backing up is always a good idea.

Then, jailbreakers can follow the steps described here and here, although we recommend that they don’t. As noted in our disclaimer below, this is a purely informational report. Current tutorials are for Windows users. On Windows, jailbreakers may experience errors. If so, users are advised to set the compatibility mode to Windows 95/Me. There are no Mac tutorials for the Spirit jailbreak as of yet.

Softpedia doesn't encourage jailbreaking / unlocking the iPhone / iPod touch / iPad, or any other device. This article has a purely informational purpose and doesn't, in any way, suggest that you should hack your Apple device. Using hacks may render your device unusable, or may reduce the quality of your experience employing the respective device. If you choose to download and install jailbreak tools, you will do so at your own risk. Unlocking / jailbreaking your iPhone / iPod touch may violate your warranty or the EULA with Apple and / or your cellular-service provider.