Protection and sound in one nifty package

Sep 25, 2008 12:42 GMT  ·  By

One thing is clear: iPod owners tend to take a lot of care of their beloved players, and since we’re talking about highly popular gadgets, it wasn’t long before both the wackiest and the most interesting iPod accessories were designed. All sorts of bags and cases meant to protect the valuable devices have been created, from the most usual and common ones to the luxurious, studded, leather and handmade cases, true collectors' items.  

[admark=1]At the same time, all sorts of speakers and docks emerged and filled the land and the web stores, aiming to fulfill any iPod owner's dream and offer solutions to any possible problems.

  Up until recently, if you took the case on the one hand and the portable speakers on the other and merged them with the iPod, you would get a nifty sound system, although, if you took a second look at it, you could see the idea of extreme portability slowly fade away. Until one day somebody thought, ‘what if we design a very neat carrying and protection case with included speakers?’ The result was a very neat small gadget, the size of a paperback, capable of more than we would have expected.

First of all, this case effortlessly accommodates any 1st or 2nd generation iPods. The thick padded leather sides prevent your player from taking any damage if accidentally dropped or splashed while at the same time it looks elegant and suitable for both sporty and more official situations.

  On the other hand, the same case houses a 3 xAAA battery compartment, the small digital amplifier and the dual drivers, linked to the iPod via a common 3.5mm jack stereo cable, easy to manage inside the specially-designed mesh pocket. You not only have a volume control on your Apple player but on the speaker case as well. The two drivers are allegedly producing a crisp and strong sound, just perfect to let you share your favorite tracks with close friends without passing the headphones to one another. With a weight under 2 lbs (approx. 900 gr) and a price a nickel under $60, the iPod leather case with speakers can be your iPod accessory of choice.  

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