Weird speakers. Truly weird.

Feb 19, 2007 15:48 GMT  ·  By

I really don't know where technology ends and how anyone could set a limit between technique and design. The fact is that when these two blend, very interesting things emerge; things which are sometimes exceeding the theoretical limits of both worlds (tech and design, that is). And when it comes to speakers and the like, things are even more interesting as everything has also to be functional if the creators want people to buy their stuff.

Loudspeakers inside women's shoes? Yep, someone thought of this, Jacob Matthew is the one who thought that one cool location for a 3-driver configuration speaker would be inside a pair of red stiletto shoes. Now, besides the glamour look of these shoes, Matthew managed to make them even more attractive. Don't think the speaker-shoes will blast off your windows: they're rather meant for design than for partying; nevertheless, I must admit I'd really like such kinky speakers every now and then. A good mark from me for the slightly sexual approach from Jacob Matthew!

Photocredit by Jacob Matthew.

Next in line come some truly weird speakers: the Mario Bros cubic speakers! Silly as hell, nevertheless funny and quite cute for the Mario addicts, these speakers aren't any longer for sale as almost nobody seems to be able to get their hands on them. Reportedly Zorlan of Mobile Game Arena has found such rather dumb speakers for his portable devices; connectable with every portable unit, these Nintendo speakers might be the perfect nerdy gift or even better, become vintage memorial gear. Very "not my type".

Photocredit by Zorlan (?)

If you think a 2.5mm thick speaker is micro, then what will you say about the new Panasonic driver which is no larger than 1.5 mm? As well, not the concert or party type, but simple, outstanding technology clearly stating that still there is a long way ahead when it comes to miniaturize things. Panasonic claims that the new, thinner speaker has no issues regarding the quality of the sound as it sounds the same as the previous 2.5mm "monster". This new speaker will equip mobile phones since it will enter mass production in May 2007; we may not see much of it from the presentation day on but it's most likely we'll hear a lot from it! What can I say: it rocks; I can hardly wait for the next step in miniature speakers, maybe the concert-edition of an array thick as a paper??

Photocredit: Panasonic.

Fourth in this mini-compendium of weird speakers is an "i": the iWoofer. I won't say it was built for iPod as the "i" thing clearly say it was. What makes it different from the remaining several hundreds of iPod docks/amps is the fact that the iWoofer actually sports a woofer (lucky guess, huh?!)

The whole system is in fact a 2.1 piece of sound gear, with two mid/hi units and a subwoofer, all controllable. Completed with FM radio, telescopic antenna and an eerie blue oscillating lamp at the bottom. Synchronization, audio in, either mains or battery-operation all goes to a price of $129; not very much, not a true bargain either. Just another gimmick for the iPod fanatic.

Photos by Rain Design.

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