Dec 28, 2010 16:02 GMT  ·  By

Shazam's main competitor, SoundHound, the developer of the music search application with the same name, has recently announced that it will offer free unlimited music recognition for all users.

Users of the free version of SoundHound have been limited to five music IDs per month prior to the announcement.

According to the developer, both Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch) and Android users can now ID as much music as they wish for free.

In addition to the new offer, users can see the lyrics, browse artists and preview top songs whenever they feel like.

The free version of SoundHound is ad-supported, so customers will have to pay to remove the ads and get premium features by upgrading to SoundHound Infinity.

“Fans of SoundHound drive the direction of the product and their enthusiasm has catapulted us into a leadership position. In recognition of this, we are delighted to announce today that SoundHound is now unlimited and free to use for everyone,” said Keyvan Mohajer, CEO of SoundHound Inc.

“We’re firing on all cylinders and have built strong momentum across various planes in 2010. In particular, the dramatic 500 percent increase in new SoundHound users and the increased usage of the app - 1,000 percent - emphatically demonstrates user engagement and puts us at the tipping point of mobile music search,” added Mohajer.

Some of the key features of the application include:

- the world’s fastest music recognition; - sing and hum recognition; - lyric search and voice-directed music search; - share features, ‘underplayed’ charts and seamless links to iTunes, Pandora, YouTube,Twitter, Facebook.

The premium version of SoundHound for iOS can be downloaded from the Apple App Store for $4.99. It is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices running iOS 3.0 or later and requires 8.6 MB storage space.

SoundHound for Android devices is available as a free download from Android Market.

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