The wireless, speakerless headset uses surface sound technology

Aug 3, 2013 08:51 GMT  ·  By

Normally, electronic sound is produced by means of magnetic drives, which are located in an ear cup, ear bud, or speaker.

Only circumaural headphones qualify as truly comfortable though, because ear buds and headphones that rest on the ear lobe tend to make ears ache.

So, a team of scientists and designers decided to invent a headset that doesn't use either.

In fact, it doesn't have speakers at all. Instead, it uses surface audio technology to deliver sound to both ears while sitting behind the ear.

Dual multi-directional microphones are included, complete with noise reduction and echo-cancellation.

Bluetooth-enabled devices should all be able to work with the newcomer, whether they are Apple iOS devices, Android gadgets, BlackBerry models, or even Windows electronics.

To help fund the project, see the Kickstarter page.