A book that anyone can understand on information security

Aug 3, 2012 09:02 GMT  ·  By

Sophos has released Threatsaurus 2012, a book that details everything security-related. It covers online threats and provides great advice on how to stay safe at home and at work.

If you’re an information security enthusiast and if you offer tech support for family and friends on a regular basis, you’re most likely presented with numerous situations in which you have to explain all sorts of complicated concepts to users who aren’t as tech savvy as you are.

That’s where the Threatsaurus steps into play. It explains everything users need to know about online security in a language that even your grandmother can understand.

Threatsaurus contains sections such as “Device control”, “Encryption”, “Firewall”, “IPS”, “Mobile device security,” and others. As a bonus, the book covers the history of computer viruses starting from 1949 until 2012.

Sophos Threatsaurus is available for download here.