A podcast reviewing the most widespread security threats during the first six months of 2006 is already available

Jul 20, 2006 13:39 GMT  ·  By

Sophos has announced yesterday that it has introduced a new service which aims at better integrating security related information in the community structured around the company. For this purpose Sophos will record and post on its web site periodical podcasts with inhouse experts discussing security related concerns. The debates' subjects will range from the latest malware issues to the global security problems and to the industry's evolving ecosystem. Podcasts will go beyond a simple informative purpose and will actually challenge the development of security threats while presenting counteractive measures.

The company has already posted it first podcast, a 12:34 minutes long interview with Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant. "Graham Cluley, Senior Technology Consultant, reviews the most widespread security threats during the first six months of 2006, and reveals what lies ahead," states a message that accompanies the podcast.

"The idea behind the podcasts is to make readily available advice and information on the latest threats," explained Carole Theriault, host of the first Sophos podcast. "Busy IT professionals, as well as computer users who want to learn more about security issues, can subscribe to automatically download each new release, meaning they have instant access to the latest news without the hassle of having to find it themselves. With the podcasts, they can just listen on the go."