The movie's still running in theaters

Jan 4, 2010 11:08 GMT  ·  By

Mistakes occur from time to time, they're something that's part of the human nature, but Sony and its PlayStation Store seem to abuse this human trait. As it happened once before, something crept up into the PS Store that wasn't supposed to be there, or at least, it wasn't supposed to be there yet, and most definitely not at the listed price.

Back in October, Sony got some wires mixed up and ended up offering Tecmo's horror action adventure, Undead Knights, for free instead of just releasing the demo for it. Now, the PSN has gotten another surprise guest, and this one too wasn't on the guest list. The only difference is that, this time, Sony has given us a movie as a gift, not a video game.

The film in question is still running in theaters at the moment, so there could be some serious consequences this time. Starring Matt Dillon, Jean Reno and Laurence Fishburne, Armored is a typical mid-level action flick, but considering Sony made it available for free on their online service, it more than rises to the sale price.

While it didn't stay there for long, as it was taken down roughly five hours after it first got on the network, plenty of people got word of this little botched up job and there are a lot of PlayStation 3 and PSP users out there that have already got a free movie for nothing else than owning a Sony console.

Even if the movie has departed the PlayStation Network and is no longer available for download, the fact that it was present in the first place does offer some good news. Considering that the movie was available for download means that it has already been prepared and formatted for compatibility with Sony's devices, which means it's only a matter of time before it becomes available for download once again, this time unfortunate, for an actual fee.

If Sony continues to make such mistakes, it could soon become a company feature and an unofficial marketing selling point. “Sony's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.”