Concepts and design inspirations behind the sexy console are finally revealed

Oct 17, 2007 11:05 GMT  ·  By

Ever wondered where the designers of the PlayStation 3 got their inspiration from? Probably not. Actually, the only thing that could ever interest you when it comes to the machine is the software it runs and what you can download for free on its hard drive, but here's goes anyway (for those who actually care about the PlayStation brand).

A piece we've come across on says that Sony's Teiyu Goto has recently revealed the design concept of the PlayStation 3. Some excerpts can be found below:

"When we designed the machine, we considered high-rise buildings, vases, and other objects that have a strong physical presence and appear sleek and new. Based on these images, we drew numerous sketches and made many mock-ups until we ended up with the present design."

Here's why the PS3 looks so unconventional for an electronic piece of machinery: "For PlayStation 3 we employed a curvilinear and glossy surface," Teiyu Goto continued. "This shape and material is rarely used for conventional electronic appliances. It is different from VCRs, DVD players (whose widths are usually 430 mm), or gaming systems. It represents a completely new concept."

However, Goto also mentions that there are "great responsibilities too" when designing a system such as the PS3: "For example, a seemingly minor problem with a button would actually be a major issue, since the shipment quantity is enormous. Take the original PlayStation, for example. It was designed to be rugged enough that, even when children sat on it, it would not be damaged. I think it is a designer's job to create easy-to-use, long-lasting, and beautifully shaped devices, notwithstanding such restrictions."

True, true. It's a pity Microsoft and those involved with creating the Xbox 360 don't share this belief. Not that they said they didn't but given the 360's failure rate, not to mention its clunky appearance, we're forced to think so. However, it still kicks PS3's ass, because Microsoft is a little better at doing business and investing in only what should be invested in.

So, are you proud of choosing to be a PlayStation fan?