The device has a good chance of selling well in the West

Feb 16, 2012 21:31 GMT  ·  By

The PlayStation Vita handheld from Sony has not managed to sell well on the Japanese home market and there’s some concern that a number of developers might be ready to abandon the new device and deliver their titles on the more popular Nintendo 3DS.

But Scott Rohde, the senior vice president at the Sony Worldwide Studios, has told Gamasutra that “I did not see that quote, but you see extremist quotes like that all the time. I mean, obviously, there is no way anyone could stand in front of a camera and say that all developers are changing focus from one platform to another, no matter what it is.”

The executive believes that stories about platforms performing better or worse than expected are not a good way of assessing what devices will get the best gaming experiences in the coming years.

Rohde added, “You can, whatever - rewind two years ago. Every developer was you knew was selling -going towards - I was going to say 'selling their soul', it almost came out - to go build games for Zynga and the Facebook platform.

“And there's another time when you see everyone is going to do smaller iPad games, or iOS games in general. Then it was PS3, it was 360, it's Vita, it's 3DS. It's always, constantly changing. It's not something that concerns me whatsoever.”

An anonymous source was recently quoted as saying that a number of developers were canceling all their projects for the PlayStation Vita and were trying to see whether their ideas would work on the 3DS.

The Vita launches on Western markets on February 22, although some gamers already have their devices because of VIP access programs, and Sony has insisted that the profile of the console and the launch line-up will make it a success in the long term.