The XEL-1 - incredibly thin, up to 1080p resolution

Oct 1, 2007 14:06 GMT  ·  By

While OLED displays were found up until now typically in various handheld devices, it would seem that the age of OLED TVs is finally here, as Sony has announced the Japanese release of its first device of this type, dubbed XEL-1, a TV set that, despite boasting a relatively small size (just 11 inches in diagonal), provides very good performances, and, more importantly, quite a low power consumption level.

Quite obviously, the most important selling point of the XEL-1 is represented by the absolutely huge contrast ratio, of around 1,000,000:1, but the other features aren't too shaby, either. Thus, the OLED TV from Sony also provides a 960 x 540 resolution, but supports input resolutions of up to 1080p, while the effective size of the display is of around 251 mm x 141 mm x 287 mm. Furthermore, the device incorporates S-Force audio technology and comes packed with a flexible arm, which makes it a lot easier to adjust.

The OLED TV from Sony, or at least its Japanese version, comes packed with a tuner for terrestrial digital broadcasts (quite popular around Japan), but also includes some of the most popular connectivity options around, namely HDMI (obviously!), USB and a LAN connector (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet). It also includes a headphone jack and is accompanied by a remote control and an antenna connection cable. However, strange enough, there's no S-Video, no Component and Composite, no analog, but that's probably because these are old-gen interfaces and Sony's only looking to the future.

The device will hit the shelves in Japan around December 1st (just in time for the Christmas shopping spree) and will retail for the equivalent of around 1,750 US dollars, which might seem like quite a lot of money to pay for an 11-inches but, after all, that's always the case with the latest technological developments.

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