Echocrome is a strangely designed puzzle for PS3s and PSPs

Apr 25, 2008 07:09 GMT  ·  By

Sony's puzzle game for PS3 and PSP consoles, available via PlayStation Network and PlayStation Store, features 56 exclusive levels on each platform, taking full advantage of each console's characteristics. Being what one could call a "strange" game, it will definitely entertain you and offer, at the same time, some quality time with its puzzles and innovative design.

In the game, the player controls an infinite canvas, guiding a dummy not by controlling it directly, but by controlling the perspective, tilting and turning the entire level in order to create a continuous pathway for the character to walk safely. The goal of each level is to reach all of the echos, or shadow guides, as quickly as possible. The nice thing is the lack of linearity in each level - the player can find different ways of reaching the "check points" and limitless ways of advancing through stages.

Also, every player can create its own level using the Canvas Mode and the PS3 owners of the game can also send their levels to the game developers who will pick the best of them and offer them via free download to all players.

There are five perspectives that govern Echocrome: perspective traveling - by manipulating the viewpoint, players can connect two pathways for the dummy to travel safely across the newly created routes. With perspective landing, the character will fall down a hole and land on whatever appears beneath it in a Portal-like manner. The perspective jump begins with the character stepping on a jumping platform - once it begins its descent, it will land on whatever appears beneath it. The perspective absence simply hides holes or entire platforms when you change the view and the perspective existence allows the character to walk over a blocked pathway like it is connected. As you can see, Echocrome is a really unique puzzle that will keep you asking for more.