Oct 20, 2010 21:11 GMT  ·  By

Sony has just revealed that an incomplete version of Red Dead Redemption's new Hunting and Trading Outfits downloadable content pack was mistakenly uploaded to the PlayStation Network, and has been causing glitches and bugs for players.

Red Dead Redemption has received quite a lot of DLC, and the Hunting and Trading Pack was the latest one, and didn't cost anything, so a lot of players decided to download it from the PlayStation Network.

[admark=1]Sadly, the 15 MB file was incomplete, and those that installed it have been experiencing lots of problems or bugs.

"It has come to our attention that an incomplete version of the Hunting and Trading DLC for Red Dead Redemption was uploaded to PlayStation Network; we apologize for any inconvenience," revealed Sony on the PlayStation Blog.

This issue has since been rectified, but anyone that downloaded the pack before it was fixed may be experiencing the following issues:

-Days in game reset -Missions cannot be started and/or do not reset for retries (user is always told to come back the next day) -Gang hideouts empty with message to return later -Some hideouts not recognized as gang hideouts and others say “please come back later” -Buffalo herd not spawning -Savvy merchant does not register that you have bought stuff in all gunsmiths -Herb nodes do not reset and some nodes of all type are empty -Mission markers gone from map and/or being told to come back after a particular time even after waiting over 24 hours -The user cannot get back up after falling off a cart during a crash. -When exiting multiplayer, the game saves but does not return to single-player -The game only loads the following random events: “the poacher”, “the herbalist”, duals, and “damsel in distress”. Missing are: “horse thief”, “posse lynching”, “cannibal” “wagon theft”, “suicide”, “hanging rescue”, “assist the law with escapees”, “dynamite delivery/explosion”, “prostitute attack”, “posse lynching”

The good version of the Hunting and Trading pack occupies 59 MB, and players should uninstall the faulty one before getting the new DLC.

In case you don't know how to uninstall it, follow these steps.

-Enter the XMB (cross media bar) menu -Scroll to the ‘Game’ tab -Select ‘Game Data Utility’ -Select ‘Red Dead Redemption’ -Press triangle and select delete

According to Sony, "this does not delete your saved games or affect your game progress and all DLC, free and paid, can be reinstalled via the Download List in PlayStation Network Account Management on the PS3 XMB."