Is Microsoft's HD DVD add-on for the 360 dying out? Figures don't lie you know...

Mar 22, 2007 10:56 GMT  ·  By

The Xbox 360 add-on drive for playing HD-DVDs released last year sounded promising. Especially because nobody would even touch Sony's Blu-ray player due to an incredibly high price. Analysts and studio executives have tried to guess in which direction each of the two technologies was going and whether Microsoft or Sony would finally win the battle. Because their HD-DVD and respectively Blu-ray technologies involved the company's consoles considerably (the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation3), it wasn't sure who would reach the finish line ahead. Even though Microsoft's machine was doing good, being launched earlier and all, Sony also had and still has hopefully, a very good reputation among gamers, that would later help sell Blu-ray technology (console and Blu-ray players).

Recent reports show that retailers have considerably dropped the price for Microsoft's additional HD-DVD drive for the Xbox 360. Kotaku suggest a rumor saying that Wal-Mart is completely ignoring the original retail price for the drive, first set at $199.99, and is now almost giving it away for free at a mere $130. Wow! $70 less, what the hell is happening? Are they afraid they'll get stuck with them over there at Wal-Mart?

Other reports indicate that the reason for Sony's Blu-ray popularity among consumers is the approaching launch of the PS3 in PAL territories, but that hasn't been confirmed yet and neither has the fact that more retailers such as Wal-Mart have dropped the price for Microsoft's HD-DVD add-on. Of course, lower prices for Microsoft's add-on are likely regional specials, as 1UP reckons. After a little digging, they found out that Wal-Mart currently lists the Xbox 360 HD-DVD player for $199.82.