Crown7 is bong-like, but better

Sep 18, 2007 17:21 GMT  ·  By

Smoking is not exactly the healthiest thing to do, neither for the actual smoker nor for the persons around him/her. And while, after all, smoking is a question of personal choice, the fact of the matter is that people that are unavoidably found in the close vicinity of a smoker should not be subjected to the dangers of passive smoking, this also being the reason behind the development of Crown7, a device that allows users to enjoy the feeling attained after smoking a cigarette without any of the nasty smoke usually associated to this action.

Thus, the Crown7 is an Art Deco styled tube which contains a cartridge and rechargeable battery. The cartridge contains water, propylene glycol, nicotine and a tobacco flavor, one Crown7 cartridge being the equivalent to about two packs of cigarettes. The device allows the user to freely get his/her required nicotine "fix", without generating any smoke in the process, and, to some extent, it works just like a bong.

As mentioned earlier, the device works with rechargeable batteries, which means that users can enjoy its effects at absolutely any given time. However, it does require some "consumables", if we can call them that, since, quite obviously, the amount of nicotine, as well as the other substances contained in one of the aforementioned cartridges is not exactly limitless.

The most important feature this thing has to offer is quite obviously represented by the level of convenience it has to offer. Thus, the phenomenon of passive smoking can be completely avoided, not to mention the fact that the smokers will be avoiding that very nasty smell that has a habit of penetrating one's clothes and room.

The Crown7 Cigar retails for around 70 US dollars, which is actually a pretty OK price to pay for such an item, taking into consideration the advantages it has to offer, both for the users and for the people around them.

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