Lunchtime project from fan is pretty awesome, stirs up heated debate

Nov 30, 2012 16:28 GMT  ·  By

Nicki Minaj is one of the most appreciated and best-selling female rappers of our times, putting out hit after hit, but what happens if you slow down her songs? Josh L. from Canada tried to find out – and he got a “gay version of Jay-Z.”

Check out a sample of his work below (*please note that some discretion is recommended for graphic language) and, if you’re still not convinced, more is available on SoundCloud.

He calls this musical Frankenstein NICHOLAS_MINJAYZ and I’d have to agree: Nicki does sound like Jay-Z, if Jay-Z were really taking his time to spit out the words to a song.

From this, the inevitable question arises: if you speed up Jay-Z’s songs, do you get Nicki Minaj’s voice? Josh is still working on that but, for the time being, he’s convinced that Nicki could pass for Jay if she really wanted to (with some help).

He’s also taking requests now, so there, have fun. Drop me a line in the comments section below with what you make of all this.