Gamers have been asking for the same type of innovation

Aug 13, 2014 06:19 GMT  ·  By

The reveal of the multiplayer modes for the upcoming Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has prompted many of the players who have seen the new exoskeleton-powered mechanics to compare the experience with the recently launched Titanfall from Respawn Entertainment.

The team at Sledgehammer Games says that they have not drawn inspiration from any other titles or from an intellectual property and that they based their design only on the feedback that was delivered by fans of the series.

Michael Condrey, one of the co-founders of the studio, tells Eurogamer that “Fans probably had the same feedback across the industry about wanting new ways to play first-person shooters. We hit on this on day one, long before we'd seen it in other games. It was our little secret sauce.”

He adds, “And then within one year Oblivion came out, Elysium came out and Edge of Tomorrow came out, and all of a sudden Exo was in every holiday movie. I was like, wow. So, coincidence for certain because we came up with it on our own, but then all of a sudden boom, it's like mass pop culture, the exo is everywhere.”

Plenty of fans are saying that the core multiplayer experience looks like the one found in Titanfall without the mechs.

Actually, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare does include a big robot for gamers to control, called X51 Goliath.

For the new first-person shooter, Sledgehammer Games has taken some inspiration from both Black Ops 2 and from Ghosts and introduced a lot of new technologies.

Gamers can use the power of the exoskeleton in order to jump high up to reach new areas, dash around to avoid fire, and slam into enemies to take them out.

The new title will feature 12 modes, including new ones like Uplink and Momentum, and there are four maps that the company has been talking about so far.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will also have an entire new Create-an-Operator system that delivers a lot more personalization options for characters, and players will be able to pick 13 abilities to take into battle, including new customizable scorestreaks that can also be cooperatively sustained.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be out on November 4 on the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4, the PC, and last-gen consoles, and those who get the Day Zero version of the game by pre-ordering will be able to play one day earlier.