The latest version of Slackel can be downloaded from Softpedia

Oct 15, 2012 09:58 GMT  ·  By

Slackel, a Linux distribution and LiveCD based on Slackware and Salix, that included the latest version of KDE in the repository, is now at version 14.0.

Slackel 14.0 comes in an assorted collection of four KDE iso images, available for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

The software included in the live images is exactly the same as that the one present in the standard Slackel KDE 14.0 installation DVDs.

According to its developer, Dimitris Tzemos, The Slackel live DVD images include the Linux kernel 3.2.29 (32-bit and 64-bitit) and were built using SaLT (Salix Live Technology).

Highlights of Slackel Linux 14.0:

• The distribution includes the stable 14.0 tree of Slackware and KDE 4.8.5, with a collection of KDE centric software; • The network part of the distro is covered by Mozilla Firefox 16.0.1 web browser, KMail and Ktorrent as the main networking applications, followed by Akregator, an RSS reader for KDE, Kopete, the KDE instant messenger, Pidgin, Gftp, and Wicd (for wired or wireless networking connections); • The multimedia section is covered by Bangarang 2.1, Clementine 1.0.1, and K3b 2.0.2. The Salix codecs installer application can be used to install patent encumbered codecs to the system; • Calligra Words, Calligra Stage, Calligra Tables are the main office applications present, but it also comes with KOrganizer, KAddressBook and the Okular document viewer; • Krita, full-featured painting application for digital artists, Karbon, a vector drawing application, Gwenview, an image viewer for KDE, KColorChooser, a simple application to select the color from the screen, and Ksnapsh, a screen capture program have been added to the graphics section; • The Slackel repositories contain LibreOffice-3.6.2, Thunderbird 16.0.1, GIMP-2.8.2, InkScape, Μumble, Μurmur, Postfix, Dovecot, and a lot more.

Slackel Live can also be booted through a network connection using PXE. A complete changelog can be found in the official announcement. Download Slackel 14.0 right now from Softpedia.