Two separate hacker collectives are responsible for the breaches

Feb 11, 2013 10:26 GMT  ·  By

Hackers continue to target Chinese websites. Over the weekend, they breached the sites of the Hunan province ( and the one of the Bibi Bank Network (

According to E Hacking News, the official website of the Hunan province has been breached by a hacker called QuisterTow.

QuisterTow has exploited an SQL Injection vulnerability in order to gain access to the site’s databases. He has published the details of the vulnerability, along with the usernames and passwords of the website’s administrators.

The site of Bibi Bank Network – an independent organization that allows bank customers to make comparisons between the services offered by various financial institutions – has been defaced by the Indian hacker group known as Indian Cyb3r D3V!LS

The hacktivists claim they’ve targeted the websites in response to the attacks launched by Chinese hackers against Indian government entities and educational institutions.