It's unlikely that a sequel would feature a single-player story mode

Jun 27, 2014 06:21 GMT  ·  By

Respawn Entertainment has talked a bit about the chances of seeing a dedicated single-player campaign in a possible Titanfall 2, saying that it would feel like a step backwards in terms of the experience it wants to deliver.

Titanfall launched this spring and took a novel approach to telling its story, as it offered players the chance to go through several online matches that had different video and radio transmissions going on through which the plot of the game was relayed, either from the IMC or the Militia point of view.

While the experience was certainly a novel one, many fans wanted a dedicated single-player story campaign that knew when to stop the action and when to focus on the actual cinematic moments.

However, Respawn Entertainment doesn't feel that way, as, according to co-founder Vince Zampella, it would just feel like a step backwards.

"A single-player campaign? I don't know. I think we want to hit whatever part of the brain it is that triggers that feeling of a single-player campaign. There's nothing wrong with a single-player experience. They should exist and they do exist and I would work on one. But doing one with this feels almost like taking a step backwards," he told CVG.

Zampella also emphasized that the campaign mode in Titanfall has been quite successful, even if some players were too distracted by the actual game and couldn't pay that much attention to the events unfolding around them.

"I really think it worked well. I think the only criticism that I've heard is that sometimes people are so in to the game - because it's competitive multiplayer -that they get the blinders on and block it out a little bit. As you're playing there are these story moments happening around you and some people take it in, but others miss it because they're focused on the fight."

The developer mentioned that, by nature, Titanfall is a game where lots of things happen at the same time, from gunfights between pilots, titans, or AI-controlled soldiers, to sprawling open maps, meaning players need to pay attention to many things at the same time.

"Sometimes it's a problem for single-player games too, but in those you can put up a wall, block the action and then force people to pay attention to the story. In a multiplayer game you don't want to block things off."

As such, it seems that Respawn is unwilling to offer a dedicated single-player story mode in a new Titanfall experience. As of yet, however, it hasn't confirmed any plans about a sequel.