In the head!

Mar 31, 2008 19:31 GMT  ·  By

Men can do the most stupid things to look taller, from silly high hairdos to horrible heeled shoes. Now they have an alternative: the two-inch (5 cm) silicon head implant. This technique has been developed by a cosmetic surgeon in Spain, as signaled by the 'Daily Mail'.

Dr Luis de la Cruz, 47, of the Clinica La Luz hospital in Madrid claims that the surgery takes just 90 minutes. An incision is executed in one side of the head and then the implant is placed between the skull and the scalp. This operation of turning you from Danny de Vito into a sex symbol costs $ 8,000 and is performed under local anesthesia. Patients can leave the hospital next day with just a small scar covered by their hair.

There is no shortage of amateurs: Dr de la Cruz has already heightened 17 patients. It seems that those eagers to follow a career in the army, police or as flight stewards, models and firefighters are keen on doing it.

"It is a relatively simple procedure that can have a wonderfully positive effect on the patient's life. Like most good ideas it came to me in a flash. I was approached by a young woman who always dreamed of becoming an air stewardess. She was rejected for being half an inch (1.2 cm) too small and asked if there was any technique to add to her height. At the time the only way was through lengthening the leg bones, which is an extreme and traumatic option. It got me thinking. I carry out many chin implant operations and suddenly I thought, 'Why not an implant between the skull and the scalp?'. She is very happy with the result and is now an air stewardess," explained Dr. de la Cruz.

Of course, there is a problem: would you change "shorties" for head related dubs?