The horror survival genre masterpiece is back with a punch

Aug 30, 2007 10:21 GMT  ·  By

This month must have caused heart attacks for the Silent Hill series fans. First we (and I say "we" because I'm a fan as well") heard about an upcoming sequel of the Silent Hill movie, then the Origins demo slipped on the Internet and now we're dealing with hot news about the fifth installment. We'll have to thank EGM for the article that includes this new info. The Collective will now be in charge with the game's development and they have a pretty difficult task to perform, considering the previous games' quality.

The newest title in the series will feature a brand new plot, featuring Alex Sheppard, who sets on a quest with the sole purpose of finding his father and brother. It turns out that the two are missing and it's up to our hero to save them. Silent Hill has always included at least an hour or two of gameplay and horrific action in a hospital and the fifth title is no exception, as the game kicks off in a veteran's hospital. You'll see Alex recovering from a fatal wound there and starting his quest afterwards.

SH 5 will use the famous Havok engine and this time you won't be able to avoid the enemies by turning off your torch and sneaking past them, because every object you'll hit makes a noise that will draw the beasts toward you. One of the most important flaws of the games pertaining to the series was the camera angle and its variations. It seems that this problem has been fixed, by allowing the player to control the camera with the right analog stick.

Those hardcore boss battles will be back, as will the multiple endings and the developers promised boss fights similar to those we saw in the Zelda titles. The trademark transfer from the real world to its tainted version will now happen in real time, thanks to a couple of cool visual effects that will add to the whole frightening gaming experience.