And play as Death Knight

Jul 4, 2008 07:00 GMT  ·  By

With one segment of its faithful fan base secured with the announcement of the long awaited Diablo III and with a minor controversy regarding the new look of the game already brewing, Blizzard moved to offer reasons of interest to the biggest segment of players it has, the ones that are enjoying its World of Warcraft MMO. The game has over 10 million subscribers and they haven't been given a real reason to celebrate since the unveiling of the Death Knight, so they needed a bit of attention.

Thus, Blizzard is announcing that the beta test for the new expansion of the game, called Wrath of the Lich King, is set to begin shortly and that sign ups have already been initiated. The Blizzard community site says that it is easy to be involved in the beta. You just have to get into your game account and check an option which asks if you are interested in taking part in the beta. This does not mean that you will be chosen, but only that the developers will take a look at your playing patters and decide whether you can provide significant feedback or not.

Once the beta test is up and running, we expect to see a whole lot more details regarding the Wrath of the Lich King. So far, we know that the MMO is getting a new class, the first since the game launched, in the form of the jack of all trades, master of none that is the Death Knight, with his fighting style that uses runic power and runic encrusted weapons to take out enemies. But there is little precious information regarding the chances that other classes get.

The expansion does not have an official release date just yet. Blizzard is maintaining its mantra of launching the game "when it's done" but most retailers are listing it as available for pre-order for a November release.