An effective shower head that will probably save you, well, 75$ a year

Apr 20, 2007 07:16 GMT  ·  By

There's a whole lot of water on Earth. Something like 326 million trillion gallons (326 followed by 18 zeros, so stop counting) of water can be found on this tiny planet. And I wouldn't say that we'll run out of fresh water soon, but bad things do happen. So, maybe, saving water is the only way to make sure that your grand-grandchildren will not tell good night stories about showers to their children. Right!

Here's something that not only saves buckets of hot water, but also money. OK, here come the marketing arguments that "sustain" the product's utility. When you turn on your shower, you presumably wait for the water to reach for the perfect temperature. If something like a phone-call distracts you, you might drop the thing and waste tons of hot water. And, finally, this is where the Shower Start shower head comes in to save your money and also planet Earth's water reserves.

The unit is designed to pause your running shower as soon as it gets warm, preventing hot water (your cigarettes money) from running down the drain when you're absent from the shower environment. So, when you get back to the bathroom, all you have to do is flip a switch to restart the shower. Its maker says that if Shower Start paused the shower's flow after 46 seconds, that would prevent 60 seconds of additional waste. If you perform the ritual day by day, it means that during a year you'll save up to 2,500 gallons of water and over 75$ in water heating costs.

One thing it won't do: it won't stop your kids from crying about the missing yellow ducks. You can get it online from Rewci for 40$.

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