Slums: the 'lowest and least friendly zone in every FCA'

Aug 10, 2007 12:52 GMT  ·  By

Showdown: Scorpion is an FPS set in cyber-punk styled Earth of late 2030s. The game is being developed by Russian developer Akella. Using the CoolEngine (an in-house 3D graphical engine), the developer claims it's almost finished - only minor bug-fixing lays ahead. A huge part of the AI-system is also completed, says a recent report, allowing ranged opponents to perform intelligently, using teamwork and all kinds of in-game objects for cover. More recently though, Akella has rolled out 8 Zagreb Free Commerce Area screenshots. Check them out below, along with some details on the game itself. Just so you can understand what you're looking at (assuming you've already checked the screens out), the game's story says that after several major economical and political crises, the world as we know it ceased to exist. Only few major states survived 2020s, while the lesser authorities have collapsed, leaving behind anarchy and pollution. The power vacuum was filled by key international companies who acquired control over derelict territories, forming Free Commerce Areas (FCAs).

The six images below are the Slums of areas within Scorpion: "Slums are (the) lowest and least friendly zone in every FCA. Usually Slums are situated where production facilities or low/mid-grade apartments stood before Collapse. Slums cover most territory of every FCA, surrounding more prosperous regions from all sides - or situating directly under them. Slums can be basically divided into three very different types - the Heap, Shades and Depths." - from the official game website.

Don't run off just yet. You still have to take a look at some of the game's key features:

- Intense action in cyber-punk styled Earth 2028 - Futuristic storyline supported by multiple cut-scenes - Combination of first-person combat and stealth action elements provides unique gaming experience - Impressive arsenal of upgradable weapons - Character can gain access to several paranormal psychic powers including ability to subdue the will his enemies for short period of time - Advanced squad-oriented combat AI creates strong challenging opposition - Elite opponents who possess similar to player character supernatural powers - Cutting-edge game engine produces detailed realistic picture

Akella should date its game any day now, so don't go too far now.

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