Evolution: from retrosexual to metrosexual

Sep 15, 2007 09:12 GMT  ·  By

Men are regarded as dirty, filthy, blowzy creatures that should be a tad more handsome than the Devil himself. But nowadays, men have to assign their image to an established category, while the old concepts have changed radically, due to the media, technology, and the huge amount of available information.

1. The metrosexual is obsessed with his own image. He's in love with himself. You shouldn't think that the metrosexual must be handsome like Beckham. What defines him is the excessive narcissism, and an ("feminine") obsession with the way he looks.

The term comes from 'metropolitan' (plus sexual) and is believed to be a product of the consumerism dominating the western world.

Under this pressure, the metrosexual is on a continuous build of his image that must fit all the standards imposed by the media. The result is a type of masculinity which is totally different from the old-fashion stiff and intolerant towards the feminine attitudes and traits. He wears the latest clothing, use the latest Armani perfume, the hair due is perfect and chic. All goes, of course, into snobbism, in many cases, as the metrosexual only uses designer cloths.

The metrosexual goes to the same cosmetic saloons like women do, and in many times, their knowledge on skin moisturizers can overcome those of most women. Nails done, epilated hair, everything should be perfectly 'redesigned'.

In fact, the metrosexual breaks an old myth, based on some evolutionary assertions: namely that men cannot be as preoccupied by their looks as women are, and could be the result of an equalitarian attitude between the sexes, imposed by the modern society.

The metrosexual is deeply involved in 'highlife' society, and jubilates while mingling with famous people, not missing a single party, luxurious dinner or show.

2. The technosexual lives in the world of gadgets, the typical "technological geek".

His love for gadgets goes in many cases beyond aesthetics to turning the new devices into fetishes. But the technosexual does not love himself, but his objects, that define his life. They are the main target of the great companies, and explain the flood of all types of ridiculous silly gadgets around us.

The technosexual is obsessed by the number of GB, and the size of the gadget (which must be small enough to fit into his pocket). He does not enjoy going out, as he gets all that he needs to know through a SMS or surfing the Internet.

3. The vegansexual is obsessed with plant food. This can even lead to rejecting having sex with a meat consumer partner or avoiding any physical contact with those persons. They consider meat eaters as people that consume dead animals. They tend to wear unusual cloths or hair due to signal this, and sometimes even an effeminate gait, to show their sensitivity to environmental issues.

4. The ecosexual is the loner, living in an isolated hut in the mountains or on a remote beach. His aesthetic sense is very developed, even if in many cases he may seem a little blowzy. He's deeply involved in environmental issues, but unlike the vegansexual, with the brain, not with the heart.

5. The pomosexual from 'postmodernism' and 'sexual'. He is a mixed type, between 'heterosexual' and 'homosexual', breaking easily the limits between the sexual categories. You know that some "drag queens" are not gay.

6. The ubersexual is a type of metrosexual, but at a much more advanced intellectual level and much more conscious of what they are/do and what happens. These are the most attractive, dynamic, powerful, elegant and sophisticated men.

They are very confident in their own power and abilities, quite individualist and arrogant, and unlike the most common metrosexual, the keep showing off their strong masculine sexuality. The term comes from the German 'Uber', meaning 'superior' or 'better'.

7. The retrosexual has a developed aesthetic sense, but he neglects his own looks and lifestyle, and does not invest too much in his personal care. Sounds familiar?