Discover The Free Shop-Script Shopping Cart Simplicity

Mar 10, 2008 16:59 GMT  ·  By

The basic tools used in e-commerce are the shopping cart software applications. They help customers to buy products online in a simple manner and store administrators to control and process orders. There are many types of shopping carts available to be downloaded for free. The most used shopping cart applications are made with PHP programming language and usually require the existence of a MySQL database.

Shop-Script PHP/MySQL shopping cart is a rapid solution for any type of online store. It can be deployed on any operating system and the one step installation makes it easy to use even for beginners. The default application installation provides a sample database content that helps you to understand the functioning principles of the shopping cart and the overall online store.

The online store contains two parts or sections: the front-end and the back-end. In the front-end, visitors can browse products and place orders with the help of the shopping cart. In the application back-end, there is an administration panel (administrative tools) that permits the management of the store.

As the administrator, you will be able to add products to the catalog, define new categories, process orders, modify the website content and more. This shopping cart application provides integration with PayPal, but if one does not have a PayPal account, the orders can be processed by using the default shopping cart option.

The front end interface can be easily translated in any other language besides English (default). Shop-Script is based on Smarty template engine and, due to the separation of content from layout, you will be able to customize your website appearance only with the help of a visual editor, by changing the appropriate HTML files in the templates directory. Practically, you can rapidly deploy any type of online store without PHP programming knowledge.