Nike and Puma are looking into the possibility to make, market such shoes

Jan 22, 2014 19:46 GMT  ·  By

Footwear as we know it might soon become obsolete, and Nike and Puma could be the ones to thank for it. Thus, these two companies are currently looking into the possibility of making and marketing athletic shoes made from chicken feathers.

Before anyone starts thinking that some really ugly footwear is heading our way, it must be said that Nike and Puma have absolutely no intention of simply gluing chicken feathers together and then trying to pass the result as wearable shoes.

On the contrary, what the two companies want to do is use a new type of leather described as vegan to manufacture athletic footwear.

If this so-called vegan leather sounds familiar, that's because we first talked about it in last year's December, when its creator, a scientist by the name Richard Wool, was honored at the Green Chemistry Awards.

According to Environmental Leader, this leather is made from chicken feathers, natural fibers and plant oil resins. Apparently, this makes it a tad more environment-friendly and a whole lot more animal-friendly than ordinary leather.

For the time being, no information concerning when such shoes will start being marketed or how much they will cost has been shared with the public. One can only hope that Nike, Puma, and chemist Richard Wool will soon break the silence.