The gymnast competed at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing

Jul 8, 2013 15:03 GMT  ·  By

The opening pitch at a Jamsil Stadium game in Seoul brings an exciting twist to the age-old tradition.

Rhythmic gymnast and former South Korean national team member Shin Soo-ji was the first one to pitch and she offered a splendid performance. Shin last competed at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and she is quite the local celebrity.

The pitch came between the Doosan Bears/Samsung Lions game on Friday, July 5. Since it was uploaded on Friday, almost nine million people have tuned in on YouTube to see Shin pitch.

The Daily Mail lauds the gymnast's poise and dubs this the “most acrobatic pitch” in history. In addition to that, she is not bad at baseball, as her launch was a qualitative one.

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