Mar 19, 2011 10:22 GMT  ·  By

It looks like Sharp is one of the more optimistic of IT players, as it seems to have made plans to further increase its amount of TV sales by the time its ongoing fiscal year is over and done with.

Various companies have already outlines their plans for the ongoing year, while others were reported to be planning strategies of their own.

In fact, the past week could very well be said to have been rather poor in new product announcements, meaning that reports about what IT players intend was mostly it as far as news went.

Granted, some unusual things did turn up, like a 3D bunny that was created on a cylindrical fog display, with the aid of three projectors.

Still, most 'new' info was the sort that said Acer would see a sequential revenue rise in Q1, 2011, and that ASUS has been dominating LCD shipments in its home country.

Now, it seems that Sharp has done something similar, in this care regarding the market for TV sets.

Sharp is one of those companies that can brag about owning the market for TVs in Japan, since it controls more than half, a 54% share to be more precise.

Apparently, the outfit has high plans, high enough that it wants to go well beyond the 15 million unit shipment target that they strive towards each year.

Specifically, the IT company wants to boost that figure by 10%, relying primarily on the switch from Analog to Full Digital terrestrial broadcasting.

Basically, by the end of July, Japan will have completed this transition, prompting a new wave of sales that Sharp wants to ride as well as possible.

Of course, whether or not this goal is achieved is something that remains to be seen. Either way, 54% of the segment (reached in 2010) is already an accomplishment in itself.