The future of sticky notes is here: go green!

Oct 28, 2008 09:28 GMT  ·  By

They say amazing things usually come in the simplest, most basic forms and after taking a look at Sequoia Studio's E-note, you’ll probably realize that nothing comes closer to the truth. In a world more and more preoccupied with going green and saving as much from our resources as possible, every piece of paper saved counts, even if on the post-it level. And since post-its are a thing that simply can not disappear from our everyday tasks and needs, the solution proposed by Sequoia Studio seems only natural, to say the least; since e-ink and e-paper have become common words, why not turn them into a common reality, for the benefit of the planet?

The E-note is one of the best ideas that came out in its field: small notes you can stick virtually anywhere around the home and office, but without wasting paper, and not even pens or pencils; and after they've done their job, have them erased and given new tasks.

It’s uncertain whether it’s a question of recycling in this case, since there is nothing consumed, save for the trace amount of electricity needed to power up these amazing notes, which, by the way, is all the way green, since it comes from solar power. Basically we're dealing with a 25-piece pack of E-notes, each of them self-powered via the above-mentioned solar technology and thus having a virtually endless lifespan. No rechargeable batteries and a small amount of weight lifted from the world's shoulders in terms of energy.

Using tactile and flexible e-paper technologies, the E-note can recognize your handwriting as you use the special stylus and will interact with you. Another amazing thing is that these high-tech post-its offer far more than just allowing you to write down some reminders or so; they can also be used for scheduled tasks since they boast an alarm system connected to the internal time-tracking technology. Basically, you write down a memo, set the alarm time and stick the E-note on your monitor; when time is up, the E-note will change color and blink, so there is no chance you'll miss your task.

Now, you can choose the color of your E-notes with a simple click: no need to look for the brightest colors, as you go shopping for the post-its you need in your office. It's a girl thing? No problem, you can turn your E-note pink. Is it a more formal meeting? Turn your reminder to a sober black and white appearance. It's all a stylus click away and we're talking 8 colors here.

And one of the most striking things is the fact that the E-notes know whether you've turned them and will re-arrange and scale what you've written or drawn so you can read it; no matter how you stick them to your monitor, as long as you've written them in a legible manner, you'll always be able to read them. And this is by all means cool!

Finally, you're probably wondering how the E-notes stick to things. Fasten your seat belts: Gecko Glue, a special substance that's been mimicked using nano structures accidentally found on a Gecko lizard's feet. You know, that little cute reptile that can climb anywhere as if it were magnetic...

Sadly, there is no word on availability or pricing as far as E-notes are concerned; we'd surely like to see some stacked on our desks at Softpedia! For more info watch this video and prepare to be dazzled.


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Photo Gallery (3 Images)

The future of post-its is green
The amazing E-note from Sequoia StudioThe E-note  works as an alarm reminder and as an organizer and all it needs is sunlight.
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