“House M.D.” star keeps in shape with a healthy combo of diet and workout

Feb 16, 2010 21:21 GMT  ·  By
Sela Ward stays in shape with the Squeeze fitness routine and the Flat Belly diet
   Sela Ward stays in shape with the Squeeze fitness routine and the Flat Belly diet

Sela Ward, whom fans saw recently in the hit medical series “House M.D.,” calls herself a late bloomer, which would probably explain why she has such an amazing figure and looks so incredibly stunning at 53. According to How Celebrities Lose Weight, Sela also works hard for her body, making sure she doesn’t miss any workout session or cheat on her diet.

The star keeps to her three times a week exercise plan, having had a StairMaster delivered to her home in Los Angeles, the aforementioned publication says. However, aside from that, Ward also gets her workout mode on with the help of personal trainer Tracy Effinger and the Squeeze fitness routine, a hit with many celebrities. As per the same e-zine, this exercise routine is both extremely practical and very efficient, just the ideal thing for a woman as busy as Sela, since it doesn’t take that much time.

In fact, the entire routine can be done in about 10 minutes or so, if in a rush. “Basically, this exercise is based on using small movements that aim to tone specific areas in the body. The Squeeze fitness routine does not have any need for heavy exercise equipment. For a multiple arm exercise for instance, one only needs to use weights weighing two to three pounds,” HCLW states.

“The Squeeze fitness routine was devised for toning and lengthening one’s body. Its movement is inspired by other exercise programs such as Pilates, a dance floorwork like ballet, and mat exercise. It is actually considered ‘low-impact’ but delivers the best results. This fitness routine starts of with an upper body and waist exercise, followed by the lower body and abs exercise,” the same publication goes on to say. Apparently, many a star in Hollywood have become addicts to this new type of exercise, since it meets two of their most urgent needs, namely losing weight and doing so in as little time as possible.

Sela Ward also sticks to a diet to maintain her svelte figure: the Flat Belly diet plan, devised by nutritionist Cynthia Sass. Dieters on the Flat Belly diet can lose up to 15 pounds in a single month (though results may vary) and are promised the unique chance of getting a flat belly without having to do a single crunch and while enjoying the best combination of tasty and healthy food, sweet treats included.