No buffer anymore

Aug 17, 2007 10:44 GMT  ·  By

The folks working for YouTube added a new function that removes the buffer annoying loading time which required a lot of time until you could forward your clip. I'm sure it also happened to you to want forwarding your clip to a higher position than the one at the beginning but you had to wait until the entire video was loaded. According to Digital Inspiration, the YouTube team silently introduced a new feature that allows you to choose another position for the streaming video just like in Google Video, the other video service owned by the Mountain View company.

"Google has silently added a "no buffer" feature in YouTube Video Player - just click anywhere in the red player bar and the video will start to buffer from that position, not from the beginning. A similar feature already exists in Google Video Player but they even let you bookmark the time / position in the URL itself. But in the new version, you can move the YouTube video playhead to any location in the red timeline and the video will begin to stream from that position itself - you no longer have to wait for the entire video clip to load," Digital Inspiration wrote today.

YouTube is an online video sharing platform that managed to attract an impressive number of consumers since it was acquired by Google in October 2006. The Mountain View company paid $1.65 billion for YouTube, the service that is now the clear leader of the category, having millions of users every day.

However, numerous other companies announced their plans to develop YouTube-like products that would be able to steal the majority of consumers owned by Google. Until now, no product managed to represent a real threat for Mountain View company which managed to keep YouTube in spotlights with new features or exciting updates.